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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
非常道 巷裡巷外 (限量紀念版)


583.00  元
HK$ 524.7  

  • 叢書系列:攝影集
  • 規格:精裝 / 265頁 / 19.1 x 25.6 x 3.71 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港

  • 藝術設計 > 攝影 > 攝影作品集








      To many people, back alleys are dark and dirty places that draw neither fascination nor inspiration. But not to the internationally renowned German Photographer Michael Wolf, who has been fascinated and inspired by the happenings in Hong Kong’s back alleys. His new book Informal Solutions: Observations and Around Hong Kong’s Back Alleys (2016) is a documentation of his discoveries through his past 13 years of exploration.


      Born in Germany and worked as a former photojournalist in Europe and the US, Michael Wolf has since turned his attention to capturing the overlooked qualities of big cities. In particular, his fascination with the city of Hong Kong–where he is based since 1994 – has produced many photographic artworks that are collected by internationally renowned museums and galleries, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Brooklyn Museum, San Jose Museum of Art, and the Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago.


      In his new book, Michael Wolf presents the many manifestations of culture and life in Hong Kong’s back alley, where spaces are utilized in the most imaginative and unexpected ways. Through his discerning eyes, objects captured in photographs appear to transcend from their humble utilitarian origin to magnificent works of urban installation art.



      Marc Feustel - 以法國巴黎為基地,集獨立策展人、作家、編輯和博客於一身,同時是一名日本攝影發行專家,並創辦EQUIS工作室,視日本與西方國家相互關係為其重點,致力於擴闊不同文化之間的視覺藝術交流。


      狄麗玲教授 (Prof. Lynne D. DiStefano) - 現任香港大學建築學系建築文物保護課程客席教授,曾分別參與聯合國教科文組織世界遺產候選提名之評審,以及透過國際古蹟遺址理事會對已列入聯合國教科文組織世界遺產項目的監察。


      李浩然博士 - 現職香港大學建築文物保護課程副教授兼學部主任,身兼香港政府古物諮詢委員會委員,同時出任中央警署活化計劃文物工作小組主席。


      黎志邦 - 現職香港大學建築文物保護課程助理講師,是一名受過訓練的保育人士,具備語言暨翻譯學位,目前正在籌備一本內容關於香港仔地區漁業社區的著作。??


      Marc Feustel is an independent curator, writer, editor and blogger based in Paris, France. A published specialist in Japanese photography, he is also the Founding Director of Studio Equis, an organization devoted to broadening access to the visual arts between different cultures, with a focus on the relationship between Japan and the West.


      Prof. Lynne D. DiStefano is an Adjunct Professor of the Division of Architectural Conservation Programmes at The University of Hong Kong. She has been involved in the evaluation of nominated UNESCO World Heritage Sites and the monitoring of inscribed UNESCO World Heritage Sites through the ICOMOS.?


      Dr. Lee Ho Yin (李浩然) is an Associate Professor and Head of the Division of Architectural Conservation Programmes at The University of Hong Kong. He has served on the Hong Kong Government’s Antiquities Advisory Board and he is currently Chairman of the Heritage Working Group of the Central Police Station Compound revitalization project.


      Lai Chi Pong (黎志邦) is an Assistant Lecturer of the Division of Architectural Conservation Programmes at The University of Hong Kong. A trained conservationist, he has a degree in language and translation and is currently working on a book about the fishing communities of the district of Aberdeen in Hong Kong.?


    大城小巷 都是浮世繪Everyday Monuments – Marc Feustel

    序(英語原文Marc Feustel)

    其 他 著 作
    1. 普通讀者:吳爾夫閱讀隨筆集(全新典藏版)
    2. 眾神之谷:《華爾街日報》記者對矽谷創業生態圈的深入調查報導
    3. 繁華都市小小神(中英對照)
    4. 普通讀者-吳爾夫閱讀隨筆集
    5. 是星期一還是星期二